Creativity is the opposite of passivity

Passivity can be a result of depression

Depression is endemic in our society

People are naturally creative

Creativity is about joining dots

Studios are expensive

Free time is rare

Experimentation is play

Play is healing

Practitioners should not have to pay to practice

The art industry is rigged

The music industry is failing musicians and audiences

It is better to try than not to try

Processes are tiny lives within our lives

Everything made with eyes open and feeling heart is good

Dancing is key

Conversation is key

Fear and shame are dangerous

Love and attentiveness are powerful

Science and arts are separated but are not separate


Creativity is the opposite of passivity

Passivity can be a result of depression

Depression is endemic in our society

People are naturally creative

Creativity is about joining dots

Studios are expensive

Free time is rare

Experimentation is play

Play is healing

Practitioners should not have to pay

The art industry is rigged

The music industry is failing musicians

and audiences

It is better to try than not to try

Processes are tiny lives within our


Everything made with eyes open and

feeling heart is good

Dancing is key

Conversation is key

Fear and shame are dangerous

Love and attentiveness are powerful

Science and arts are separated

but are not separate


Creativity is the opposite

of passivity

Passivity can be a result

of depression

Depression is endemic in

our society

People are naturally creative

Creativity is about joining dots

Studios are expensive

Free time is rare

Experimentation is play

Play is healing

Practitioners should not have

to pay

The art industry is rigged

The music industry is failing

musicians and audiences

It is better to try than not

Processes are tiny lives within

our lives

Everything made with eyes open

and feeling heart is good

Dancing is key

Conversation is key

Fear and shame are dangerous

Love and attentiveness are powerful

Science and arts are separated

but are not separate