STArLA is a hand built music studio in a rural area west of Glasgow.
CUD is offering 3 - 7 days of time in and around Starla to selected pairs / groups of participants.
The time can be used in any way the participants choose. Sessions in the studio can be engineered by ted, CUD Facilitator. No RecorDiNG Knowledge is needed.
Recordings can be released via cud recs if desired.
accommodation will be provided.
avaILaBLe res0Urces
Live room
Full drum kit
hammond organ
yamaha grand
variety of microphones
Control room
tape machines
outboard gear
The great Outdoors
People Power
1 facilitator / engineer
intentional rural community
As Always CUD wants to hear from practitioners craving making processes that are not tainted by capitalism and institutions.
this 0Pen CALL welcomes submissions from INdIviIDuALs willing to be invited with (an)other applicant(s) via cupid-style 'matchmaking'
as well as from PaIrs or grOUPs with a particular project in mind that they could not otherwise realise.
non-musicians (of any kind) who want to work with audio are welcome to apply.
how To aPPLY
If you are already registered, you will be considered for this session.
If you are not registered you can register to be considered for all opportunities.
0therwise / also apply directly for this session using this link:
Tell Us what you need / crave / propose / want to do / try / learn.